Today's opening times: Gut Aiderbichl Henndorf: Rest day | Gut Aiderbichl Deggendorf: Rest day | Gut Aiderbichl Iffeldorf: Rest day

Obituary Tiger

he was a workhorse, a rogue and a best friend

Animals hear our heart when it whispers. Some don't even hear it when it screams.

Tiger was very aware of his surroundings for years. His eyes roamed the stable aisle, smelling out good hands that wanted to stroke him and he backed away from others. It was all part of Tiger’s way of communicating with people. Tiger, a Percheron tiger pinto, spent eighteen years at Gut Aiderbichl in Henndorf. A lucky coincidence had saved his young life and he should have been slaughtered at the age of three.

Michael Aufhauser and some of his employees became aware of the handsome tiger during an animal rescue. A riding school was closed down and Gut Aiderbichl became the new home for the last riding school horse still standing there. A livestock dealer also stopped in front of the house to see if there was still a horse or two to be had. Tiger was standing in the van. The man described him as a “first-class slaughter horse”. Terrified and totally unsettled, the handsome three-year-old Tiger looked out of the van. At the time, you got the impression that the cattle dealer felt something like pity and compassion for the young Percheron. “I think something has gone wrong. Now he should die, the tiger!”. The merchant remarked in passing.

We learnt that Tiger was still far too young when he was used as a back horse. He was strong and docile, but the bad thing was his young age. Working as a back horse was not without consequences. He developed knee problems that could have been repaired with an operation. However, the price of the operation would have exceeded the actual value of the young Percheron Tiger.
It would have been more than unfair to pay for people’s mistakes by slaughtering the horse. So Gut Aiderbichl organised a knee operation at a horse clinic and soon Tiger was standing in the main stable lane in Henndorf.

Tiger – we always had to smile at his name. But that was a good thing. He stood proud, strong and tall in the pasture, in the stable lane or in the paddock. One of his special friends had been Robinson. The two former back horses had a deep friendship.

Tiger has often shown his humans what it means to be a spitfire in horse form. He immediately sensed treats and nibbled on the bags until the treat landed in his big mouth. He always liked that.
If he didn’t like something at all, he would stubbornly turn in a different direction. Tiger’s body language was always clearly understandable.

Tiger’s arthrosis got worse with age, and hoof problems also caused him problems. He moved to the A-Stable, Gut Aiderbichl Henndorf’s stable for the elderly. Here he could be well cared for and enjoy his life as much as possible.
The best therapies and painkillers for his health problems no longer really helped. Tiger was tired, but he still held his big horse’s head high and proud.

A few weeks ago, we had to decide: “When the pain can no longer be tamed: close your heart a little and let reason be stronger. Our animals must not suffer…” – Michael Aufhauser’s sentence unfortunately came true. Quietly and peacefully, we let our big one, our tiger, cross the Rainbow Bridge. Very slowly and calmly. He must have already arrived over there.

Sometimes the strongest connection between two beings is the one that cannot be expressed in words.

Dear Tiger,
We all tried to give you a life without pressure, without fear and without work. It was beautiful and instructive for us humans to be your companions. You were a rock for us: a great Percheron, a handsome figure and a best friend.
Run on without pain with your best friend Robinson across the pastures on the other shore. You remain unforgettable in the hearts of your humans. Take care, tiger.

Gut Aiderbichl

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