Today's opening times: Gut Aiderbichl Henndorf: Rest day | Gut Aiderbichl Deggendorf: Rest day | Gut Aiderbichl Iffeldorf: Rest day

2 became 8

Cat rescue Gut Aiderbichl Osnabrück

From the perspective of an Aiderbichler

(written by Gisela Pschenitschnig)

A man from Osnabrück was increasingly threatened by health and social decline. Alcohol consumption and other circumstances worsened the life situation of the man and his animals ever more rapidly.

The stay in a rehabilitation centre was intended to improve the cat owner’s health. Before leaving, he asked an acquaintance to look after his two cats while he was away.
The bad thing was that the key to the flat had obviously been passed on and homeless people had found shelter in the flat during his absence.

The flat had to be evacuated. A social worker contacted Gut Aiderbichl Osnabrück and asked them to take in the cats. He did not know whether they were still in the flat.

The police brought light into the darkness

With the help of the police and the caretaker of the block of flats, it was possible to enter the flat. It was in a catastrophic, desolate state. The Gut Aiderbichl employee found three tomcats and a mum cat, Coco Chanel, who had given birth to babies just a few days old. All were fine – it could have been different.

The sick man and his cats - perhaps they were the only thing he had left

We are not entitled to pass judgement. Time and again, we receive calls for help from sick people who have to give up their animals because no one else will look after them, but they can no longer manage it themselves. If we help the animals, we also help the people – that is one of Gut Aiderbichl’s guiding principles.

The fact that we were allowed to rescue the cats from the man’s flat is in the interests of the animals’ welfare. Coco Chanel is around two years old and had already given birth to kittens in the flat. In total, we rescued eight cats from the flat: seven of them were so-called “March kittens”.
Their names are: Christian Dior, Louis Vuitton, Joop (placed in special foster place), Jean Paul, Guido Maria (placed in special foster place), Betty Barklay and Versace. They are all in good health and, as we say in Austrian, “pumperlg’sund”.

Joop and Guido Maria joined a very animal-loving family at the end of May, Betty Barkley and Versace have the prospect of a special foster place in Berlin, and for all the other kittens we hope that a forever home with animal-loving people can also be found.

You don't solve problems by putting them on ice.

– Winston Churchill

Obviously, humans and animals can’t leave each other alone. There are good and bad life situations – we are obliged to help. Yours sincerely, Gisela


All further information about a Special foster place can be found here!

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