Today's opening times: Gut Aiderbichl Henndorf: 9:00 - 18:00 Uhr | Gut Aiderbichl Deggendorf: 9:00 - 18:00 Uhr | Gut Aiderbichl Iffeldorf: 9:00 - 18:00 Uhr

Sibylle the chicken trusts people

Animal rescues always bring surprises, and so it was when Gut Aiderbichl’s animal rescuers came across Sibylle a few weeks ago. The trusting hen immediately caught the eye of our staff as she was walking with a limp. She quickly became friends with one of our animal carers and so we asked her owner if Sibylle could travel with us to Gut Aiderbichl so that she could receive the best possible medical care. The owner agreed and Sibylle was allowed to move into her new, safe environment.

The misunderstood nature of the chicken

Chickens live in a complex social structure in which each animal knows its place in the community. Like expectant mothers who talk to their unborn babies, mother hens also begin to communicate with their chicks in the egg at an early stage and teach them sounds even before they hatch.

These remarkable animals have amazing cognitive abilities. Not only do they understand that recently hidden objects still exist, but they are also able to solve problems, make decisions and remember past events. Studies have shown that chickens even rival crows, which are known for their intelligence, in their flexibility and learning ability.

Like all living creatures, chickens also have individual personalities. Some are brave and bold, others are shy or even aggressive. There are even chickens that love music or actively seek out the company of humans.

Unfortunately, they are often regarded as an anonymous mass in the meat and egg industry and crammed into barren, unhygienic halls.

Sibylle and her “limping leg”

Sibylle has discovered that an old fracture in her leg has not healed properly. Unfortunately, an operation can no longer help, but Sibylle has come to terms with her limp. After a few days in the quarantine centre, she will soon join the Gut Aiderbichl chicken community and may be able to make new friends – possibly with Lotte, a Dutch bantam chicken who had to leave her home due to a renovation.

Sibylle is full of confidence

Sibylle is a particularly communicative hen. She clucks happily when her carer comes to her and enjoys being stroked on the back. She loves being talked to and is getting better at recognising the voices of the people who look after her.


The fact is: there is no such thing as a stupid chicken.

Chicken Sibylle

Chicken Sibylle was also allowed to travel to Gut Aiderbichl as part of a spontaneous rescue operation. The trusting hen, who loves to cuddle with people and really enjoys attention, had a broken leg that…

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