Today's opening times: Gut Aiderbichl Henndorf: Rest day | Gut Aiderbichl Deggendorf: Rest day | Gut Aiderbichl Iffeldorf: Rest day

The decision has been made:

Welcome to Gut Aiderbichl!

9 dogs were freed from the Spanish perrera

Given the number of animals in need of urgent help every day, you could really despair. On the day we found our way to the perrera, we felt more helpless than ever before.

And even if we can’t help every living being, we will never give up and do what we can! Because we owe it to our more than 8,000 rescued animals, the many Aiderbichler sponsors and Michael Aufhauser.

But who will be the lucky dog and who will be left with an uncertain fate? The tide has finally turned for nine dogs. They are now safe and have the chance of a great forever home, hopefully waiting for them in Austria, Germany or Switzerland.

They have all been given new names by us and have been housed in the refuge of the animal welfare organisations “Tierschutz Spanien e.V.” and “Galgos del Sur” until their departure. After they were brought to safety, they were bathed and the first tests for Mediterranean diseases were carried out. Our animal welfare colleagues are slowly getting to know the dogs and can make their first assessments. They are all very friendly and nice dogs, but some of them still have their “suitcases” with them, which are waiting to be discovered.

We would like to introduce and welcome you:

Alvin, born 2017: When we saw this dog for the first time, he tried to catch us with his eyes. It was almost as if he was looking into our souls. He is a very approachable dog, but he seems to have problems with other male dogs. But he works well with bitches. Alvin’s blood results were unfortunately positive for leishmaniasis and he is currently being treated accordingly.

Casimir, born in 2023: touched us deeply. We could see from his expression that he was more than overwhelmed by his situation. Unsure of what to do, he didn’t dare approach the fence. When he realised that we only meant well with him, he did dare. It was clear to us that we would take him with us. He is still insecure, but with a lot of love and patience he will certainly find his way.

Furby, born 2020: is really a beautiful Malinois. He is an absolute sweetheart and gets along with everyone. Many dogs in the perrera were very needy of love, but with Furby we felt a certain desperation that made us act. Furby is an absolute sweetheart, but likes to jump over fences. He needs people with experience.

Namika, born 2017: is a rather small dog, but at 7 years old she looks very fit and alert. Namika is a loyal friend who would love a basket of her own. What makes Namika special are her white eyelashes and her great character.

Nanuk, born in 2023: he is a bodeguero who needs a lot of exercise and mental work. Young and dynamic as he is, he would certainly be happy to have sporty people with whom he can make the world unsafe. Nanuk still has a lot to learn, but he is smart, open-minded and a great friend for life.

Peque, born in 2018: the well-behaved dog Peque was the first to greet us in the perrera. Together with Stella, she made a loud noise. We kept returning to her “box” because her friendly eyes wouldn’t let us go.

Stella, born 2017: is a friendly dog who currently lives with Alvin. She also wants a forever home and likes to be on her best behaviour. Stella has also had all her examinations and vaccinations and is ready to start her new life.

Talia, born 2023: is a very active and friendly bitch. Right from the start, she gave the impression that you could steal horses with her. She needs people who want to do a lot with her. We already noticed her incredible friendliness and zest for life in the perrera.

Yuna, born 2023: is very reserved. You have to work hard to gain her trust. Yuna needs experienced people who know how to deal with fearful dogs, because any harassment is immediately punished by Yuna. But we are certain that we will find the perfect home for Yuna too!

From 27 July 2024, they will all move into the Gut Aiderbichl farms. If you are interested in one of these dogs, please contact us at .

These and many more dogs, as well as more information about the special foster places, can be found at the following link: Special foster place –


Dog Alvin

When we saw this dog for the first time, he tried to catch us with his eyes. It was almost as if he was looking into our souls. He is a very approachable dog, but…

Dog Namika

Namika, born in 2017: is a rather small dog, but at 7 years old she looks very fit and alert. Namika is a loyal friend who would love a basket of her own. Namika's special…

Dog Stella

Stella, born in 2017: is a friendly dog who currently lives with Alvin. She also wants a forever home and likes to be on her best behavior. Stella has also had all her examinations and…

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