Today's opening times: Gut Aiderbichl Henndorf: 9:00 - 18:00 Uhr | Gut Aiderbichl Deggendorf: 9:00 - 18:00 Uhr | Gut Aiderbichl Iffeldorf: 9:00 - 18:00 Uhr

Happy ending story

Our commitment to street dogs in Romania

From the perspective of an Aiderbichler

(written by Gisela Pschenitschnig)

Homeless dogs in Romania fight for their survival every day. Too little food, cold and snow in winter, heat in summer – these are just some of the challenges that Romanian street dogs have to overcome. I think that street dogs in Spain, Greece or Italy, for example, are no better off.

Street dogs – why do they exist? There are both poor and rich countries where street dogs can be found. The animals roam the streets looking for food. Sometimes they find something to eat, sometimes they are hit by a stone so that they leave, sometimes they are run over by a car and left lying around, sometimes their throats are cut – I remember the sad story of our Mr Grey, whom we brought back from Romania. I will never forget the sad eyes of Mr Grey. As cruelly as he was treated in his country – after all these years at Gut Aiderbichl, he has obviously found trust in people again.Are there animal shelters in Romania?In the state animal shelters, street dogs live in indescribably poor conditions. If a stray is admitted to a state animal shelter, it can only spend a few days there. If it cannot be rehomed, it is euthanised after two weeks at the latest.

It constricts your throat and you feel pleading dog eyes

One particular sentence by Michael Aufhauser had a big impact on me: “I look into the eyes of the animals and I’m lost…” – I just imagine an animal shelter where dozens of old and young dogs are looking for someone to pick them up. But most of the time, no one comes.

Aiderbichl Estate

and the castration project in Romania

In 2021, our animal shelter in Romania was completed. Around 150 dogs can be cared for here at any one time. The financial outlay for neutering, food enormous. In order to counteract the misery of street dogs, we educate the population in Romania about the importance of having dogs and cats neutered. In cooperation with Romanian partner clinics, Romanian dogs and cats are neutered free of charge (neutering costs between €25 and €30).
Countless educational talks with the local population regarding animal husbandry and also animal health are intended to help turn the stray animalsinto loved and cared-for pets.

Happy ending stories

Coco and Elvis

Dogs are abandoned almost daily at the gates of Gut Aiderbichl in Romania, puppies are placed in plastic bags and dogs are thrown over the fence. Is this out of desperation?

I would like to tell you about Coco – little Coco has been rehomed in Austria. With big brown eyes and big ears, she was placed in the arms of her new owner. Little Coco with her beautiful chocolate-brown coat. She has something of Coco Chanel – elegance and grace.
Coco enriched the lives of her new owners and their first dog Nero was given the new title of “Coco’s Professor”. He introduced Coco to dog life. After all, she doesn’t have a mum who can teach her everything. The two of them now sleep in the same dog bed. Coco couldn’t have had it any better. She thanks her mum and master with daily “happy barking”. Coco’s eyes say everything she can’t say in human language: Thank you.

Elvis – was also brought to Austria by the Aiderbichler animal shelter. He is a charmer and a heartbreaker. Elvis has hisfemale wrapped around his four paws. During work, the “big boy” lies under the desk and dreams away. After work, Elvis looks forward to the large dog meadow, where he can play with all the dogsout in the open. He does this so convincingly that even dogs that don’t want to play at all play with him. One eye is always in contact with its mistress.

Countless dogs in our animal shelter in Romania are waiting for a new, sheltered home. Older dogs, many puppies, dogs that may have a handicap, but also many healthy dogs would love to be as happy as Coco and Elvis. All of them are worthy of a beautiful home with a happy ending.

If you want to turn two sad dog eyes into two happy eyes,
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"I look into the eyes of the animals and I am lost..."

Your Gisela

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